Regular eye tests help detect issues early, so we encourage customers to take an eye test at least every two years.
The exam involves different eye tests carried out at various distances to help identify issues with day-to-day vision, and includes professional advice on eye health and the best way to address any problems using glasses, contacts or sunglasses.
Regular eye exams are critical for detecting:
- Glaucoma
- Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
- Cataracts
- Diabetic retinopathy
(If you would like any information in regards to any of the eye related illnesses noted above that you may be concerned about, please request a consultation with either Colin or Bev to speak to you about it further.)
Macular Degeneration
One of the first signs of macular degeneration can be wavy, broken or distorted lines OR a blurred or missing area of vision. The Amsler Grid can help you spot these early. Early detection of wet AMD is critical because laser treatment, when indicated, is most successful when performed before damage occurs. Since dry AMD can lead to development of wet AMD, most patients should use the Amsler Grid.
Here's how to use the graph:
- Wear your reading glasses, if you normally use them and sit about 14 inches away from the screen.
- Cover the left eye.
- With the right eye, focus on the dark dot in the center of the grid.
- While looking at this dot, you still should be aware of the lines of the grid. Notice if any of the lines are distorted or broken or if there are blurred areas.
- Now, cover the right eye and repeat the test.
- If you notice any blurred, wavy or missing lines, please request a consult with either Colin or Bev as soon as possible.